


TITLE: Ropivacaine and bupivacaine in auriculopalpebral block in awake dogs: eye effects

ADVISOR:  Prof. Dr. Andréia Vitor Couto do Amaral, Co-Advisor: Prof. Dr. Doughlas Regalin  

DEFENSE DATE: 10/24/2018


ABSTRACT:Auriculopalpebral block is required for kinesiotherapy of the eyelids and in dogs due to the proximity of the trigeminal branches it can also confer a corneal anesthesia,which is beneficial for surgical and ocular therapeutic procedures. The aim of this studywas to compare the effects of two anesthetics used in auriculopalpebral block onpalpebral akinesia, corneal touch sensitivity (CTS), lacrimal production, intraocular pressure (IOP) and breakup time test (BUT) in dogs. A prospective, randomized, blind study was conducted to determine the effects of auriculopalpebral block, using 0.75% ropivacaine and 0.5% bupivacaine in twelve healthy, nonbrachiocephalic dogs (24 eyes). The eyelid response and menace response tests, Schirmer's lachrymal test (SLT), CST using Cochet Bonnet corneal estesiometry, IOP and tear film rupture time, before blockade, and 30, 60, 120, 240 and 360 minutes after application were done. Observed differences between the baseline values and those found at 30, 60, 120 and 240 minutes for the menace response, eyelid reflex and CST, in both groups, evidencing palpebral akinesia and corneal anesthesia after the blocks. It was verified that there was no difference for SLT, IOP and BUT between baseline and postanesthesia or between groups. It was concluded that both ropivacaine and bupivacaine in the auriculopalpebral block in dogs promoted adequate palpebral akinesia and corneal anesthesia for 240 minutes without altering the ocular physiological parameters of lacrimal production, intraocular pressure and film rupture time after the blockade.




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